Photo by Design Pics/Design Pics / Getty Images


To keep the cost of our program low and accessible to the community, we rely on the generous support of those who want to invest in the next generation of leaders in the church. To donate to LAMP Seminary you can:

1.  Mail a check made out to “Christ the King” with LAMP as a notation. You can mail your checks to PO Box 10095 Raleigh, NC 27605. 

2. Give online:

  1. Visit our giving website (

  2. Login to your account or create a new one if you are a new user

  3. Select the “LAMP RDU Seminary” fund from the drop down menu

  4. Enter donation amount

  5. Enter card or check information

  6. Click “Submit”

We appreciate your generous donation. If you are having trouble giving, please feel free to contact Katrina Marbury at: